So I've been kinda busy, but not really. I've been working on publishing a photobook of the jazz pictures. So if you're interested in buying one let me know. I'll see what I can do to hook you up. So I've been doin' a lot of tweeking and designing, etc. Plus I haven't been taking the time to bring my camera with me where ever I go. Until today. Which is why you get all these pictures. This is all on USC campus. Some of them I couldn't decide on the color or b/w version (they might be up later).

oo that first one has fabulous form, composition and negative space. fluid and powerful!
the second one ... nice w/ the b&w and vignetting.
yeah i totally didn't see all these earlier. or maybe you just edited them alot. likin the vintage coloring going on, too.
i'm going to eat the first crocus that i see. snow needs to stay on mountains.
thank you thank you thank you thank you!! i won't eat my heart, cause that's gross, but i will vastly appreciate your daffodil.
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